Brain Development in Children is Enhanced by Stimulation

Scientists have known for a while that early experiences can effect brain development, but up until now this was only seen in children who underwent trauma. But a recent study at the University of Pennsylvania suggests that subtle things like books and educational toys will actually influence the way a child’s brain develops. The study [...]

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Cultured B Cells Could Treat Autoimmune Diseases

Artist’s rendering of a traditional B-cell (Genentech) Autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus happen when the immune system starts attacking its own body. Up until fairly recently, not much was known about why this happens. Not too long ago, researchers discovered a class of cells, called B10 [...]

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Study: Debt Crisis Caused by the Educated

A study at Ohio State University suggests that highly educated Americans were the most likely to accumulate debt that they couldn’t handle in the years leading up to the financial crisis of 2008. The study defined households that spent over 40% of their income on debt, rent, and leases as facing a heavy debt burden. The overall [...]

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Converting Energy into Matter: What it Really Means

You are almost certainly familiar with the popular equation: E=mc^2, but do you know what it means? If you’ve read a pop science book every now and then, or paid attention in physics and chemistry classes, you may already know that it means mass and energy are equivalent. But this doesn’t necessarily mean what you think it does [...]

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What is DNA Telling Us About the Past? Sam Kean’s Input

As we dig deeper into the structure of DNA, we learn more about the code that serve’s as life’s encyclopedia. In The Violinist’s Thumb, Sam Kean explores what DNA is, how it influenced historical figures, and what it can tell us about what it means to be human. I recently had the opportunity to ask him a few questions on the subject [...]

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The Black Hole as a Creator? Dr. Caleb Scharf Explains

Black holes are a place where the universe goes to die. General relativity predicts that they carry you to the end of time and then deposit you inside the event horizon, where it becomes impossible to escape. And yet Dr. Caleb Scharf, the Director of Astrobiology at Columbia University, wanted to tell me about a different side of black [...]

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