- I talked about where the light goes when you shut it off, and the role the bizarre world of quantum mechanics plays in the answer.
- The mass of the Higgs Boson we discovered (if it is the Higgs Boson) suggests the possibility that, at some point, our universe will go through a phase change, the laws of physics will change, and the universe as we know it will end. However, it’s important to understand from the actual paper that this possibility is still very speculative. We need a more accurate measurement of a different particle, the top quark, to know for sure.
- At UCLA, scientists discover a natural protein that blocks HIV, Ebola, and many other hazardous viruses.
- Scientists create “proto-RNA” that assembles itself, a possible precursor in the origins of life itself.
- Scientists discover an ancient galaxy that formed during the first 3.2 percent of the universe’s current age.
- Bees communicate with flowers via the electric field.
- After studying ancient plaque, scientists conclude that mouth bacteria has evolved as our diets have changed.
- Another example of predictable evolution: identical mutations in separate populations of E Coli in just 1000 generations.
- This brain scan can predict your political orientation with 83 percent accuracy.
- Dolphins, the only non-human animal to call each other by name.
- We discovered four new species of whale while doing construction work on a highway.
- Using nanocapsules, scientists invent a pill that can take mice from drunk to sober in a very short time.
Featured Book (from Leonard Susskind!)
The Theoretical Minimum: What You Need to Know to Start Doing Physics