- I wrote an introduction to relativity for kids, and I’ll be continuing this over the next several weeks. If you’re an adult, there’s still no shame in reading it.
- After gathering additional evidence, scientists have even more reason to believe that the particle we discovered was indeed a Higgs Boson. However, we still can’t be sure if it’s the Higgs from the Standard Model of physics, or if it’s different.
- Brain scans are now accurate enough to predict who you are thinking about during the scan.
- Self control isn’t limited to humans. Cockatoos can do it too.
- Clogged arteries were common even in ancient hunter-gatherer societies. Apparently, it is not just a modern problem.
- Remember the baby who was cured of HIV using normal HIV drugs? The same is now true of 14 adults (out of 70). Treat it early enough and it can be prevented.
- This quantum refrigerator has a cooling power equivalent to a single window A/C capable of cooling the entire Lincoln Memorial. It works by causing hot electrons to quantum tunnel out of normal metal into a superconductor.
- Scientists discover that a natural peptide and neurotransmitter called hypocretin has a strong link with happiness. (Hypocretin is also known as orexin.)
- Scientists delete a single gene in mice, and they lose weight. On a related note, mice with as many as 200 tumors in their lungs are apparently free of lung cancer after gene therapy.
- Strong evidence that Mars’s chemical past would have been favorable for microbes.
- Scientists grow teeth in the lab.
- A rudimentary earphone made using graphene performs as well as a top notch earphone. This stuff really is a wonder material.
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