The Biology of Human Behavior: Robert Sapolsky’s Key Insights

Today you can do something that wasn’t possible for any previous generation. You can take a class from a Stanford professor without paying a dime. For the past month, I have been watching Robert Sapolsky give twenty five lectures about the biology of human behavior. As much as I’d like to ask all of you to watch them, I know that few [...]

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Lisa Bracken on Negotiating Real Social Change

How do you negotiate with somebody who has more money than you? Strength in numbers. It might not sound like a revolutionary idea. It sounds simple enough. But if that’s the case, why do so many people feel like they drew the short straw? The problem is twofold. Having enough people who want change isn’t enough. They need to work [...]

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Robert F. Shedinger Speaks About Jesus as a Political Figure

The mainstream media would have us believe that there are only two schools of thought: liberal and conservative. Conservatives are religious, they insist, and liberals are secular. Further analysis reveals that things aren’t so simple. There are hyper-liberal Christian anarchists, and even Christian atheists like Robert M. Price. While [...]

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Combine Standard Deviations With This Free Spreadsheet

So you’ve taken a bunch of samples (or you’re borrowing somebody else’s sample data), and you want to know the overall standard deviation for the combined sample, but you don’t have the raw data? As long as you have the original sample sizes, standard deviations, and means, you can still get the combined standard deviation. It’s [...]

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Download a Free Normality Test Excel Spreadsheet

Most popular statistical tests are based on the assumption that your data comes from a normal distribution. These tests are unreliable when that assumption is wrong. This is a massive problem with Excel’s native testing capabilities, because Excel does not have a way to test for normality, not even in their Analysis Toolpak (which I [...]

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Update: As much as I love this page of misconceptions about science, featuring quotes from experts like Carl Zimmer, Lawrence Krauss, and Cliff Pickover, Trending Sideways is moving in a new direction, with a focus on practical information for engineers and statisticians. I will leave this page as is, and I may even update it again, but [...]

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